3. Character race
Stellar Primary: Type G, with adaptability to Types F and K. Humanoid variants tend to evolve on planets with Type K suns, as radiation (and genetic mutation) levels tend to be higher. Humans tend to be found in star systems with suns of Type G and F.
Home Planet: Humans appear to have evolved on Type 1 Terran planets with gravity fields in the 1.0 G range, but they can adapt to conditions on most Type 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 planets, with gravity ranging from very low values to 2.5 G. Humanoids are a bit more restricted and seem to appear most often on planets with hot desert or jungle environments, particularly those with extreme or minimal axial tilt and located in optimum or inner edge position in the stellar ecosphere. Humanoid adaptability to low temperature climates is very restricted, and individuals may suffer terribly in truly arctic conditions.
Transhumans are clearly superior specimens, with no characteristics below 10, and with Strength/15+. Constitution/15+, Quickness/14+, Dexterity/ 16+, Intelligence/15+, Braveryll3+, and Leadership/15+. It is also suspected that most have naturally developed Psionic powers of 15+, but such powers tend to be carefully hidden from general knowledge by Transhumans.
Stellar Primary and Home Planet: all full within humans norms.
PCs may become Pithecines if Strength and Constitution are 15+, and Intelligence cannot exceed 17. Technical aptitudes (CTA, MechA, EIecA) will top put at 15. Only PCs born on the Home Planet types indicated below can be Pithecines.
Stellar Primary: Type F and G
Home Planet: Planetary Types 1, 2, 7, and 8, with fairly abundant water and a gravity field of 0.6 - 2.5 G. Conditions should be temperate to tropical, with well-watered steppeland to jungle environments. Pithecines react badly to cold climates, and they find desert climates 'unpleasant'.
PCs may become Canines if Strength and Constitution are 10+, Bravery is 13+, and Quickness is 12+, Technical aptitudes (GRA, MEchA, and EIecA) top out at 14. Only PCs born on the Home Planet types indicated can be Canines.
Stellar Primary: Type G,K
Home Planet: Canines will be found on the same planetary types as humans, except for those planets with very hot jungle or desert conditions, Cool and cold climates are preferred, and Canines will do well even in Ice Planet conditions.
PCs may be Felines if they have Strength and Constitution 11+, Agility 16+, Dexterity 13+, and Intelligence 11+. PCs with MechA, EIechA, or GTA 13+ come from the MekPurr starcultures and are very technologically oriented. (The MekPurrs are the acknowledged masters of cybernetic engineering in the known Galaxy. All other PCs are members of a highly individualistic Feline racial group that eschews many of the trapping of technological 'civilization' as decadent--excepting weapons These are the Avatars, the Feline races who stand very close to the ancestors in their aloof, sensual manner and in their sheer ferocity when angered.
Stellar Primary: Type F' G' K
Home Planet: Being very adaptive creatures, Felines are found on Type 1-14 planets, often thriving in conditions that would daunt most other species. However, those individuals used to extreme heat or extreme cold will not adapt well to the opposite conditions.
PCs must exhibit the following characteristics to be Ursoid characters: Strength/16+, Constitution/15+, but Intelligence will not be higher than 15. Ursoids do not have high levels of technical aptitude either; GTA, MechA, and EIecA will be under 14. Any PC qualifying for Ursoid status will have a Bravery of 13+, so raise lower values to 13.
Stellar Primary: Type G, K
Home Planet: Type 1 through 14, with gravity 0.6 - 2.0 G. Desert Planet and Jungle Planet conditions are highly unfavourable to most Ursoid species, so a PC born on such worlds cannot be an Ursoid character. Most Ursoid species prefer heavily forested planets.
No characteristics modifiers or requirements need be considered.
Stellar Primary: Types F, G, K
Home Planet: Planetary Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9, with gravity 0.6 to1.25G.
PCs must have Strength and Constitution 14+ to qualify as warm-blooded Saurians, with Empathy no higher than 12 and Intelligence no higher than 16.
Stellar Primary: Type F, G
Home Planet: Planetary Type 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, with tropical and subtropical conditions predominating. Steppe land, forest, and jungle conditions are preferred, and dry land climates (desert, arid steppe) are decidedly unpleasant. Gravity field tolerances range from fairly low to as much as 2.5 G.
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