5.3. Planetary climate
The planetary climate mat' affect a PC's Constitution score. Harsh conditions tend to produce a hardier individual, and PC's are assumed 50-59 to spring from 'survivor' stock.
Climate assumes an atmosphere of sorts, PCs from 'managed atmosphere' backgrounds likely live on planetoids, planets, or star cities. External conditions likely are very thin atmosphere to total vacuum. Climate is thus not a factor, and such PCs do not roll.
PCs from planets with low atmospheric pressures will tend to live on planets with limited hydrographic features (water), as free-standing water tends to escape into space when there is a thin envelope of air. Climatic rolls are therefore only general indicators of approximate surface conditions. Extensive 'forestation' is unlikely, while jungles are virtually impossible. A dry or arid planet is most probable.
Other PCs roll on the table and fairly math abide by the conditions described. The section 15.5 General Planetary Conditions presents overall controlling descriptions of the kind of climatological factors that can be encountered. Section 15.7 on Hydrographes Features is also instructive. These sections should be understood as supplementing the planetary climate descriptions presented in the table below.
1d100 |
Type |
Planetary Climate and Effect on Player Character |
Modifier |
01-15 |
1: Standard Terran Planet |
conditions approximating those on Terra. |
16-25 |
1: Terran Steppe Planet |
With water in shorter supply than on Terra, the PC will be more knowledgeable about survival in semi-arid and arid conditions than will be the typical native, of a standard Terrain planet. He will hold water m high regard and will be able to go on short rations for fairly long periods of time, longer than natives of planets with abundant water. However, there are still significant bodies of standing water (about 40% of planetary surface) so the PC is not unfamiliar with large lakes, shallow seas, etc., or with boots. |
26-34 |
1: Terran Arid Planets |
There is a significant shortage of surface water on an arid planet (about 25 % of the surface mat' contain free standing water), so the PC will be quite familiar with survival in very dry conditions which prevail across math of the planet. |
+1 advantage when making Constitution CRs to check physical reactions to dry and bot conditions which test endurance. There is also a 50% chance of +1 to Constitution. |
35-39 |
1: Terran Desert Planets |
The planet bas less than 10% free standing water, so severe desert conditions prevail across most of the planetary surface. Atmospheric humidity is low, and the PC will either know how to tope with respiratory water loss or mat' have adapted somewhat so that very low humidity does not dry his throat and draw excessive amounts of water from his body. |
PCs will definitely posses advanced desert survival skills and enjoy +1 advantages when making constitution CRs to check physical reactions to dry and bot conditions. There is also a 30% chance of +1 to Constitution. |
40-49 |
1: Terran Swamp & Jungle Planets |
A 'greenhouse effect' has raised planetary temperatures somewhat, so that a significant portion of the planet is locked in tropical and equatorial climate and conditions. The vegetation is lush, resembling the jungles of Africa and the Amazon. (A variant could be a Carboniferous or similar early period of planetary evolution, with appropriate dinosaurians or their equivalent roaming the countryside.) |
The character will posses good jungle survival skills and enjoy +1 advantages when making Constitution CRs to check physical reactions to tropical heat and humidity. There is also a 30% chance of +1 to Constitution. Note: such planets will have a least 70% surface water. |
50-59 |
1: Terran Tundra Planet |
A significant proportion of the planet is locked in glacial or Ice Age conditions, while middle and upper latitudes resemble the Terran Arctic and Antarctica. Tropical and equatorial latitudes have more moderate climates similar to that of southern Canada and the northern U.S. |
The character is likely to have experience with 'Arctic' climates and will evidence good survival skills, perhaps approaching those of the Inuit (Eskimo), when in the 'Cold Country.' He will enjoy a +1 advantage when making Constitution CRs m cold weather. There is also a 30% chance of +1 to Constitution. |
60-64 |
1: Terran Ocean Planet |
As more than 90% of the. planetary surface is covered by water, the PC is very much at home or in a marine environment. His knowledge of sailing, diving, swimming, etc., is superb. |
'native' race may even he amphibious or perhaps Icthyoid--complete with functioning gills or their equivalent.) |
65-74 |
2: Terran Planet without Seasonality |
Assume hydrographic features cover 50% to 75% of the planetary surface. The climate will vary considerably over the entire surface of the planet, but fixed and unchanging belts of climate occur. Inhabitants will tend to pick the most favorable and comfortable zones to be settled, making forays into the hinterland. As water tends toward the 75% of surface area range, the equatorial and tropical regions develop dense jungle belts. As the water tends towards 50% of surface area, the equatorial and tropical regions tend toward desert. |
Characters do not enjoy any special advantages but will find seasonal climates disconcerting. They may also find widely changing weather conditions perverse and 'unnatural.' |
76-77 |
3: Terran Planet with Extreme Seasonality |
The harsh conditions that are produced by extreme axial tilt will produce a +1 increase in a PC's Constitution 75% of the time, with a minimum 11 Constitution. One has to be really 'tough' to survive the worst a Type 3 environment can deliver. Assume moderate to good quantities of surface water in most instances. Limited surface water will produce widespread desert and steppe conditions. |
78-84 |
4: Terran Planet with Normal Axial Tilt at Outer of Stellar Ecosphere |
The climate ranges from 'cool' to outright frigid, and the PC is adapted to cold weather survival. |
+1 on cold weather Constitution CRs and has +1 to Constitution as well. Warm and hot temperatures are not to his liking, but he may not suffer unduly unless very warm temperatures are experienced. |
85-88 |
5: Terran Planet with Minimal Axial Tilt at Outer Edge of Stellar Ecosphere |
The climate is clearly glacial, and a Type 5 can easily be regarded as an Ice Planet. Higher latitudes are locked in eternal winter, while equatorial and tropical latitudes are never truly warm. Conditions are somewhat less onerous than on Type 4 planets because equatorial regions do not experience seasons, but upper latitude conditions are more severe. |
PCs thus have adaptations as outlined for Type 4 natives above, but with only a 65% chance of +1 Constitution. |
89-90 |
6: Terran Planet with Extreme Axial Tilt at Outer Edge of Stellar Ecosphere |
Truly hostile environment, requiring that an organism be 'tough' to survive it. |
PCs increase their constitution by +1, with 50% chance of an additional +1. Cold weather Constitution CRs are increased +1, while Constitution minimums are at 13. PCs will be distinctintly uncomfortable in warm climates, and they will fatigue easily in hot climates. |
91-92 |
7: Terran Planet with Normal Axial Tilt at Inner Edge of Stellar Ecosphere |
Planets with 91 roll are Hot Jungle Planets steaming swamps and dense rain forests similar to those once thought to exist on Venus. Planets with 92 roll are Hot Desert Planets. Models can be found in Heinlein's Between Planets for Jungle Planets, while Herbert's Dune provides the Desert Planet model. Jungle Planets are ideal for dinosaurian life. |
PC's will have +1 Constitution, with minimum 12. They also enjoy fairly high resistance to tropical diseases, fungi infections, etc., and have +2 advantages in Constitution CRs involving survival in severe tropical jungle conditions. Their jungle survival knowledge and skill would be of expert calibre as well. Desert planets also grant +1 Constitution, with a minimum of 13. PCs will have good tolerance of atmospheric dust and low humidity, very high capacity to function on limited amounts of water in sealing heat, and +2 advantages in Constitution CRs involving survival in extreme desert conditions. Their desert skills and knowledge are comparable to that of the natives of Arrakis. |
93-95 |
8: Terran Planet with Minimal Axial Tilt at Inner Edge of Stellar Ecosphere |
Planets with 93-94 roll are Hot Jungle Planets, with rather temperate regions at the poles but extremely sweltering, steam-bath environments in tropical and equatorial latitudes. Planets with 95 roll are Hot Desert Planets, again with fairly temperate polar regions, while the equatorial belt is blistering hot and exceedingly hostile. |
PCs obtain advantages as outlined for Type 7 planets. |
96 |
9: Terran Planet with Extreme Axial Tilt at Inner Edge of Stellar Ecosphere |
Anyone descended from colonists insane enough to choose to settle on such a planet probably has an 'unusual' psychological and cultural profile. |
PC who is adapted to the planet will have +1 Constitution, with 75% chance of an additional +1, and a minimum Constitution score of 14. He will also enjoy a +2 on Constitution CRs involving desert survival, arctic cold, and related factors. Survival skills will be superbly turned to dealing with a variety of climatic conditions, with emergency techniques (taking shelter, finding water, reading the violently changing weather, etc.,) honed to a fine edge; Unlike other Inner Ecosphere dwellers, the PC will be as adapted to frigid conditions as he is to heat, and can literally withstand the entire range of survivable temperature in which his racial type may live without undue hardship.. |
97 |
10, 11, 12: Terran Planet with Eccentric Orbit |
Any PC who is so 'lucky' as to come from a planet of this type should be given his choice of 'poison.' He may console himself with the thought that he can deal with just about any climatic situation that can be imagined, and he will do so with a consummate skill. |
PC has a Constitution +2, with a minimum 14. He will enjoy a +2 on all environmental Constitution CRs. His Stamina level is a minimum 13. He also obtains a +l on Intuition and has 50% chance of +1 on Intelligence as well, Such planets breed 'superior' types. All other breeds die fast. |
98-99 |
13: Terran Planet 10% Inside Inner Ecosphere Limit |
Conditions approximate those of Type 7,8 and 9 planets, but with temperatures somewhat hotter. |
PCs show similar adaptations to those from Type 7-9 planets. |
99-100 |
14: Terran Planet Up to 30% Outside Stellar Ecosphere |
Conditions will approximate those of Type 4,5, or 6 planets, only temperatures will rarely move much above freezing at the best of times. Conditions are truly minimal. |
PCs obtain +1 Constitution, with 50% of an additional +1, with a 13 minimum. Cold climate CRs are always at +2, and PCs have superb survival skills in extreme arctic conditions. |
Domed settlements may be found on the following planets, as massive life support systems will be required for hydrocarbon life forms. PCs from 'managed' planetary environments will likely come from one of these planetary types. No random roll is required, A PC simply pick the home planet he desires.
13 Airless/Low Pressure |
No hydrocarbon life forms are 'native' to the planet, but crystalline and silicate life forms may be present. |
PC will be used to dealing with high temperature conditions during the day and cold temperatures at night, as surface conditions will be 'lunar' in nature. |
14 Airless/Low Pressure |
No hydrocarbon life forms can survive, but some methane and other exotic forms may be present in an appropriate atmosphere. |
PC will be expert with vacuum suits, etc., and will be skilled in dealing with cold, exotic atmosphere environments. |
15 Airless/Low Pressure |
Lying very close to the stellar primary, Type 15 planets of this type closely resemble Mercury. The PC will have plenty of experience with radiation produced by solar flares, ultra-high daytime temperatures, possibly molten metal lakes and streams, severe volcanic and seismic activity because the planet has not cooled beneath the thin crust and is unstable, etc... |
15 High Pressure |
Type 15 planets of this type closely resemble Venus, with very high surface temperatures and atmospheric pressures. Such planets are close to 'Hellholes'. |
PCs will possess very specialized knowledge on survival in such fiercely hostile environments. |
16 - 19 |
Such planets are significantly removed from the stellar primary and are intensely cold, cold enough for many gaseous constituents to have frozen or turned to liquid. Conditions on such worlds are starkly unimaginable to contemporary Terran minds. However, Haldeman's Forever War gives a moderately good surmise about possible conditions. |
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