The Void's Call: the genesis

When Didier asked me of to present the genesis of  " The Void's Call", it is necessary to say that I have rather been bored. When and how an author does he/it create a œuvre ? Question that clears on an answer of the more banal but, for my part, the starting point (but the fact that at all times I always liked fantastic and Sci-Fi) was my discovery of role playing games in 1981.

At this time it existed relatively few game systems (and all in English of race) and I have done my first weapons with AD&D, then the fabulous C&S, and in short the extraordinary Space Opera (offered by a friend for my 18 years) that remains always for me THE  SFrpg far before everything that the market has proposed until today. This is not therefore a luck if I took of numerous references described in the universe of Space Op. I don't think that aficionados will blame me for it.

During three years I played the  La club " La pleine Lune  " of Gap while embodying a preux Paladin named Glaivendil while writing scripts of SF and of medieval fantastic. Then I left on Paris where I made the acquaintance of two characters loud in couleurs : Hubert Tournier, editor-in-chief of the fanzine MéluZine, and Efgé who gave me the opportunity to write and to publish the scripts descended of my imagination. During this period I have paradoxically, ever proposed in MéluZine, put aside a few articles, my scripts concerning Space, Opera whereas me continued to develop and to refine the universe and adventures of Kyle Gernsen and that had to give that finally that I called the cycle of Nothing. In the same way, studies that I pursued at the time imposed me (in the sense that one idea imposes itself to a creator and rarely the inverse) and permitted me to integrate different metaphysical concepts that one recovers all along the cycle.

The literary novels have me still brought a lot more that movies or the BD as he/it is not astonishing that my sources of inspirations are especially romantic. Me don't disown for as much movies or set TV as "  Star Wars  ", "  Alien saga  " or "  Cosmos 1999  " but the list remained meaningful nevertheless below as for my roots. Voilà therefore, delivered in a jumble, those that permitted me to develop the "  cycle of Nothing " from the reading of their œuvreses and me they thank some.

Arthur C. Clarke and those that I call "  la strip of trois " s: David Brin, Gregory Benton and Tim Power for the mobility "  Hard Science  " of the SF that they have promulgated more voluntarily and to which I proclaim myself to belong.
HP Lovecraft, August Derleth and Brian Lumley for the myth of Chtulhu that I have "  dévoyé  " will tell the some or "  mises to the sauce of the Space Horror  " will say the other but that, anyway, impregnated me strongly.
Doc Smith and Dan Simmons for the use of the talents psioniques that is revealed during history (for that that is Simmons, I would counsel to read "  L'échiquier of the Mal  ")
Anne Rice for his/her/its recurrent theme of immortality concerning heroes of his/her/its novels and of which the underlying reflections modeled the psychological profiles of the TransHumainses.
Joe Haldeman and Robert Heinlein for the infantry Mobile and the militaristic mind that guided the writing of the first left from "  l'Appel of the Néant  "
Stephen Donaldson for his/her/its extraordinary "  cycle of seuils s "
Jack Vance for his/her/its tales and his/her/its universes as well as for a reason all personal that the true fans of Vance will have without guessed doubt.

Maybe you ask yourselves, after to have browsed the list of all these authors, that that him of it is then the originality of my personal creation. Legitimate question that I am myself myself calm I confess it. An author is necessarily influenced by pictures or ideas of the outside world that lets a print on his/her/its mind. The cycle of "  l'appel of the Néant  " tells man's history above all, because I don't think that there are epic or big adventure without Big Character (in the prominent sense). Until now the historic facts me give reason.

As for now knowing how the idea some call has be able to emerge, I would send back you to that that so-called Brian Aldiss when he/it speaks of a meeting between exotic and familiar elements. The keys of exoticism have been inspired me more or less by authors here - over. The familiar key rests on the character of Gernsen, of his/her/its, prejudged, of his/her/its vision and the judgment that he/it carries on an universe and one environment that has him shaped.


Gap, le 7/03/1999