Ordering Information

Shipping Charges

The shipping charges are simply a flat rate per order (not per item, so large orders are a better deal). The rates are:
Shipping LocationShipping Rate
Continental US or Canada$3
International Surface Mail$10
Example of an order: A customer orders Space Opera ($20) and Lords and Wizards ($15). The merchandise total is $35. The customer lives in the US or Canada, so s/he adds $3 for shipping for a final total of $38.

Payment Information

Payment can be made via check, money order or phone FGU with your Visa or Mastercard order.
To place a Visa or Mastercard order, please call: (602) 497-9809.
Checks and Money Orders should be made out to Fantasy Games Unlimited. FGU's mailing address is:

Fantasy Games Unlimited
P.O. Box 1082-D
Gilbert, AZ 85234

All Products are New

The games are new and all of the boxed games are still in the original shrink wrap. However, many of the books and games have been in storage for an extended period of time and so the products may show some shelf wear. Incomplete or defective items may be exchanged or returned. Please email us at service@fantasygamesunlimited.com if you have any questions.

Want Lists

FGU's webmaster (that's me) maintains 2 kinds of want lists. There are 2 ways that I can find an item on a want list. The first, is that a few copies turn up in the FGU warehouse. The second, is that in my wandering around the internet, I will occasionally find an out of print FGU item on a dealer's website, an internet sale, or an auction. I will notify you of this finding if you have it on your want list. Obviously, I cannot guarantee that any transactions with a 3rd party will go smoothly and cannot be held responsible if such a 3rd party sale does not go as planned. Because of this, I support 2 types of want lists, the first being filled by any leftover stock from our warehouse (and hence guaranteed by FGU to be as advertised) and the second want list being from any source. There is no fee for being added to either want list. I will never act as a middle man for 3rd party sales. Prices for internal leftover stock are very reasonable (generally the price of the item when it was last in print). I only support want lists for items which are in the FGU catalog. Please email your want list to wantlist@fantasygamesunlimited.com.
