The Avians are descended from ground-dwelling birds. (Even in low gravity conditions, flyers do not attain sizes sufficient to make racial dominance on the planet a likely prospect.) A PC will qualify for Avian status upon choice. No characteristics modifiers or requirements need be considered.

Stellar Primary: Types F, G, K

Home Planet: Planetary Types I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9, with gravity 0.6 to1.25G.

Radiation Tolerance: Human tolerances apply.

Atmosphere: Human norms apply.

Appearance: Avians are bipedal, with wings evolved into 'arms' with grasping apendages that function efficiently as 'hands.' Avian legs are strong and adapted to running at high speed. Feet typically possess talons suited for kicking and striking at enemies. The head has all of the characteristic avian shape of lesser species, often resembling the features of hawks and eagles, with keen eyes and sharp beak. The head and body are covered with feathers of various hues, males tending to be more decorative than females. The feathers themselves tend toward a downy, almost fur-like appearance and texture. Avian musculature is strong, but body weight is relatively lower than for other species of similar size because most avians retain hollow bones. Speeds are definitely faster than for most races.

Vision: Avians enjoy excellent binocular vision, as do all receeding races, but rarely see in colour. Night vision is somewhat poorer than that of most humans if the Avian race is adapted to brilliant and medium illumination conditions, but species from dim (Type K) starsystems will have excellent night vision. Avians are sensitive to movements, like Felines, and their attention is quickly caught by anyone or anything moving stealthily.

Hearing: Avian hearing tends to be quite good, but depending on the species, a range from Terran human norms to exceedingly acute levels may occur.

Smell: Avian olfactory senses are very poor, racial dependence being on vision,

General Comments: Avians are carnivorous and no known sentient species are plant eaters. Metabolisms are invariably iron-based, although copper-based metabolisms are possible. Most Avians of advanced races are long-lived, often attain 150 years of age, while 'primitives' will also reach respectable levels of 75 to 100 years.

Avians are worshippers of the 'Egg,' as perhaps befits their species, and powerful religious as well as patriotic connotations are attached to their native planets, which symbolize the Cosmic Egg of Life. They also have very strong family ties and mate for life. Children, being fixated on their parents by instinctive birth reflexes, are utterly loyal to their elders. Culturally, order of precedence is exceedingly important, and the 'pecking order' of birds is clearly reflected in their according privilege to those who succeed to high rank.