BRINT is the intelligence-gathering agency of the StarForce. Ranks and pay are as for Executive Officers in the StarForce, regardless of specialization, but only Astronauts can actually command BRINT starships. BRINT operatives can expect to operate in enemy territory as 'spies' and saboteurs, and may be required to organize and train resistance groups on planets occupied by the enemy. BRINT agents also keep a close watch on the Bureau of State Security, whose agents are not part of the Military Establishment and evidence over-zealous Police State mentalities which the military authorities resent and deeply suspect-especially in democratic societies. In totalitarian regimes, BRINT is the implacable foe of BOSS and delights in confounding the incursions of BOSS into military affairs. It should be noted that StarForce Commandos, Space Marines, and StarForce personnel can obtain a transfer to BRINT by rolling 7+ on 2d6 in any given year. However, PCs should also realize that it requires 10+ to transfer out of BRINT. Maximum rank is rank grade/ 12, Admiral (BRINT), and all ranks are converted to Executive Branch equivalents. Characters with Psionics/15+ are always accepted for enlistment and re-enlistment.