Wake-up Call

Copyright © Gareth Hanrahan & Shane Lucy


Dedicated to Brian Caball 

GM Briefing: 
Thirty years ago, the planet Erial became involved in a war with the Imperium. All Erial's jump-capable ships were destroyed, and Erial's government collapsed. Now three different groups - Halicon industries, Paratech, and The Church Of Erial, rule the planet. Halicon and Paratech are mega-corporations who desperately desire to return to the stars. The Church are xenophobic isolationists who believe the loss of jump drive has signalled the beginning of a golden age of Erial. 
Two months ago, Halicon probes detected a massive burst of EM radiation from the edge of the Erial system. A vessel with Jump Drive had jumped in for the first time in thirty years. Halicon couldn't let Paratech know about the mystery ship, so they could not send a ship directly. Instead, they selected a freighter, the Dawn Star, which was being loaded for a supply run to a mining station orbiting one of the gas giants. Halicon hid a small team of elite marines on board, and added a second computer AI. This second AI was programmed to retrieve the object at all costs. 
The Dawn Star was performing a gravitational slingshot manoeuvre around the fifth planet when something seemed to go wrong. The crew had to dump the cargo, and the ship was launched on a course out into the outermost regions of the system. The crew went into cryosleep. The whole accident and course correction was a cover designed by Halicon to explain why one of their cargo ships had flown out to the edge of the system. Everything was going according to plan, or so Halicon thought. 
However, the Church had spies within Halicon. The Dawn Star's second engineer is a Church devotee. The Church informed him of the heretical plans. He planned to sabotage the ship before it reached the object. Halicon's course correction plot forced him into cryosleep along with the rest of the crew. 
The Dawn Star reached the object, which had jumped in, and discovered it looked like a small comet. The ship had been in space so long hydrogen and other gases had frozen around its hull. The marines hidden on the Dawn Star boarded the alien vessel... 
It is now three days since the Dawn Star reached the object. The primary computer core (the original, not Halicon's plant) is awakening the crew to prepare the ship for its long journey back to Erial. 

Events in the Scenario: 

The Dawn Star: 
The Dawn Star is shaped like an upside-down U. The two legs of the U are the cargo pylons. Normally, vast containers are held there. Now, they are clamped onto the comet. The bridge of the U is about a kilometre long. The living quarters, environmental systems, bridge, medlab, cyrocrypt and computer cores are towards the front of the ship. A mini monorail goes between the forward section and the engineering section. The engineering section contains the...well, what to you think? Drives and engines and power plants. A new engineering section was recently installed containing a pod where the marines were hiding. 
The ship is like the Nostromo, only slightly more high-tech. The upper hull was originally destined (fifty years ago) to be starship. Now it's been converted into a freighter. The cargo pylons are very low-tech and grimy. 

Computers on board the Dawn Star: 
The computer core controls all on-board systems. This core has an AI called Aurora. It is designed to be friendly and calming, and tries to diffuse disputes at all times. It is not capable of acting on its own without orders. 
The other computer is the secondary computer core installed by Halicon. It has been programmed to retrieve the object at all costs, including killing all PCs. It knows about the marines and their mission, but was programmed to only obey their commander, who's dead. It can be hacked by the Science Officer and CSO working together. 

The Alien Ship: 
The ship being carried by the Dawn Star is not a human vessel. It is millions of years old, from a now-dead culture. (Think of the Cthulhu Mythos or the Vorlons in Babylon 5). It is roughly circular, and composed of an alien metal, which was spun by spider-like creatures. It feels very dry to the touch. 
The tunnel winds its way to a door into the alien ship. The corpses of three marines lie next to it. They all committed suicide. 
The alien vessel can be entered by touching the door and mentally requesting entrance. The ship is telepathically controlled. The door does not open, it appears to ingest the person trying to get in. 
The inside of the ship is in hyperspace - it is bigger inside than out. If characters go inside the ship, they will find themselves in a completely incomprehensible space. It looks organic and incredibly confusing. 
One of the first things they encounter is the corpse of the commander of the marine squad. An yellow energy field has divided him into a floating skeleton, nervous system, musculatory system, circulation, digestive system etc. (He's still alive, the connections between organs are now passing through hyper-space...) He cannot be talked to unless the effect is broken. If anyone puts any part of their body into the field, that part is divided up. The corresponding parts of the marine captain reform in another part of the chamber. 
The marine is named Captain Hestis. He is a dedicated Halicon officer, and has fought numerous engagements with Paratech. He is quite mad, and believes Paratech agents are torturing him. He cannot be disabused of this notion, but is close to breaking. Freeing him from the energy field and then threatening to put him back in might work. 
Towards the rear of the alien ship is its jump drive. It's in a round room. At the centre of the room is a glowing black pillar. The closer someone gets to the pillar, the more time distorts. It's 30 metres from the entrance to the pillar. At 5 metres, time is speeded up by 2. At 20 metres, 10. At 15, 100. At 10, 10000, at 5, about a trillion. The person walking towards the pillar sees the other characters slow down more and more. 
Also in the alien ship is the ship's telepathic computer system. One passage leads into a perfectly spherical white room. Once someone enters the room, a beam of shining white light lances down upon them. Human minds perceive contact with the computer as a meeting with God. (It causes religious hallucinations). The characters cannot control the computer, but they can get the marine captain freed, or awaken the sleeper... 

The Sleeper: 
The sleeper is an alien. Well, actually it's a lot of aliens. The race is strongly telepathic, and when one dies, it transfers its mind into another. All but one of the race are now dead. The survivor has a very crowed head. If the sleeper is awakened, it will prove to be psychotic. It will run amok (like an alien) capturing characters. Instead of doing something silly like implanting eggs, it'll implant alien minds into their bodies. The minds are insane and will think they're in alien bodies. Ha ha. 
Physically, it looks like a nine-foot tall twisted thing. It has no discernible neck; its head blends into its body. It has six eye-like organs, and a large mouth with big fangs. It has six legs, which also serve as manipulating organs. 

Events during the scenario: 

Possible ways to end: 

  1. Kill the Halicon marines, Paratech marines, take over the Peregrin and fly away. Right. Yeah. Marines vs. the crew of a freighter... 

  2. Awakening the sleeper: This is probably bad. If they awaken the sleeper early, 
    1. it'll kill them. The best thing to do is awaken the sleeper when the Paratech 
    2. Marines board. It'll kill them, take over their ship and possess them all. While this is initially a good thing, the players have unleashed a nasty new race upon the galaxy. 

  3. Bargain: Paratech aren't thick, and welcome traitors bearing alien ships with jump drives. 

  4. Talking with the alien computer. "Hi God. Can you help us?" The alien computer doesn't want to be taken apart. If they tell it it's in danger, it can destroy the Peregrin (or Erial...) 

  5. Something I haven't thought of. There's so much weirdness, tech and secrecy in this scenario they aren't going to get through half of it. Ha.