Rachun Faurol

Species: Canine, digitigrade biped

Ht. 159 cm

Mass 53kg

Sex: Female

Age: 21

DF: 29

Stamina: 36
















Skills: Math, Astronomy, Chemistry & Physics/2; Psychology & Xenopsychology, Gen. Soc. Science & Comparative Cultures/5; In addition to some miscellaneous general skills (Groundcar, Jumpbelt, etc.), and shipboard skills picked up as the offspring of a space merchant, Rachun has "Dilettante/1". This allows her to seem to know something about ANY subject. She can even try applying this knowledge with a small chance of success...very small. Fortunately, the adventuress has always had competent people around when dangerous or complex tasks needed doing.

Rachun is attractive, at least to male canines. The creature has sleek amber fur washed and trimmed in black. Being rather spoiled, she wears rather expensive clothes and only uses the very best equipment and gear. Rachun carries a Needler Pistol or Stun Pistol (Both Expertise/3) when she is armed at all.

Should the wayward lass be revived, she will be rather glum and distant for awhile (ashamed of her bungling), but will soon regain her spunk and attempt to dominate the PC's actions. If encountered before getting to the asteroid, she will be arrogant and obnoxious, and have the full support of the Scamp's crew in keeping the PCs from nosing into her quest.

Aurph Rourr

Another possible survivor of the ill-fated Star Scamp crew, Rourr is a canine of the same stock as Rachun. He is Average in physical stats, Above average in mental stats and skill levels. His skills are concentrated in technical areas (primarily Communication & Computers), but also has Spaceship Orientation, EVA, and a smattering of weapon skills. He uses a laser pistol and is expertise/4 with this weapon. Rourr is in early middle age, and was the least enthusiastic of the Scamp's crew; he admires the youthful vigor of his bosses' youngster, and was understandably fascinated with the prospect of becoming very rich, but acted as a counter to Rachun and the Captain's wild plans. If revived, he will be grateful but deeply chagrined at the mess he let Rachun get him and his fellows into. Quite independently of Rachun's pleadings and threats, Aurph will hint that a share of the treasure is his.