Module 10: Hyperdexamine

If the containers in the hold are opened, against orders, by the players, any character with Streetwise-2 or better will recognise the contents as hyperdexamine, and should be allowed access to this module- in private if possible, since he may not want to tell the others. Each container holds 200 pills of hyperdexamine.

Hyperdexamine is a fairly new drug, an addictive variant of normal combat drug. Like combat drug, when ingested (it tomes in pill form) it increases the swallower's strength and endurance by two each. The effect phases in over the 30 seconds alter ingestion, and lasts for about an hour-much longer than normal combat drug. It also provides in the user a feeling of euphoria, and he becomes convinced that he has become invincibly strong and powerful anyone taking it without recognising it for what it is should be told that his strength and endurance have increased by four each to simulate this, although ail attacks etc are resolved as if he was but two points stronger and more enduring. When the effects wears off, the user takes ld in wounds.

Hyperdexamine has an insidious effect, however, in that a habitual user develops a tolerance to the drug, as well as a craving for it. How the referee simulates the craving is up to him-players will probably take it for use in combat, and if the referee is subtle they will not discover that they have inflated view of its worth. To simulate the tolerance, for each five uses of the drug the number of pills needed to obtain the effect is increased by one. Thus, for the first five uses the effect is obtained by taking one pill; the sixth through tenth uses require two pills, and so on. Each pill, of course, causes 1d of wounds - so on his 12th use of yag (the slang name for the drug) an addict is taking three pills, and will take 3d of damage when the effect wears off.

It is suggested that each week alter starting to take the d rug, a character must make a saving roll to avoid having to take more yag; roll 2d6, and if the result is over the character's intelligence, he must go on a hyperdexamine binge. A DM is applied to the dice of +1 per pill required to bring on the effects; +3 for our 12-lime user above. Any friends with Medic skill may use their skill level as a + and DM on this roll, at their discretion. If a character tan avoid taking yag for six months, he has kicked the habit. Most users, of course, are eventually slain by the alter-effects.

Characters with Streetwise-2 or better can sell yag in the right quarters for Cr100 x law level of the world where the sale is made per pill, thus higher law level planets yield a higher return-the supplies of yag are harder to tome by. Contrariwise, on low law level worlds no-one makes a particular effort to stop yag smuggling, and it is more plentiful and prices are lower. Characters of Streetwise-l,-if they are told that the stuff is yag, tan gel half this price for it-they gel burned because they are not familiar with the market.

Anyone caught selling yag is in serious trouble; 2-12 years imprisonment.