A spokesman for Tukera Lises today announced the signing of a contract with the government of Wypoc/Lanth (0401). This contract calls for the transport of 40,000 inhabitants of Wypoc to Djinni/Lanth (0501). Many craft will be chartered, and Tukera are now accepting applications for employment.

A spokesman for the Scout Service confirmed this transfer of population to a Red Zone, and added that the operation would be supervised by elements of the IISS and two Kinunir class battle cruisers of the Imperial Navy. He made it clear that only those of the planet Wypoc are allowed to land on Djinni, and only skips employed by Tukera Lises could enter the Red Zone.

Wypoc: General Information

Wypoc/Lanth (0401) E9C4547 C AG

This planet has a basic spaceport, extended on a temporary basis to allow for the expected transport fleet. It has no orbital facilities. Planet diameter is 9,000 miles, the atmosphere is insidious in most areas of the planet, and is 40% water covered, with a population of 100,000. The government of Angora, the principal nation, is a representative democracy which forbids the possessions of firearms. The planet is orbited by a satellite, Poco (E200000). Wypoc has tech level 9.

Wypoc has suffered a long chemical war, which has resulted in the almost total destruction of the population. Once a thriving starfaring community it is now dying; drifting clouds of powerful insidious chemicals threaten to overcome the last communities of Wypoc. The largest of these is in Angora, with a population of 40,000 and the only remaining starport. It is Angora that has made the deal with Tukera Lises to evacuate its population. The inhabitants of Wypoc have little to offer as trade; however, Angora sold the satellite Poco, although it has no more right to than the other communities, which are isolated by the clouds, have no port facilities, are in no position to argue the sale, and must await rescue at a later date by Imperial forces.

Approach and Landing Regulations: There is extensive war debris in orbit around the planet. Much of this is dangerous and unplotted, making travel off the approved approach routes risky. Landing other than by the approved descent will mean passing through the chemical clouds, possibly with fatal results. The entire procedure is made more hazardous with the overloading of the ground-based navigation systems, brought about by the transfer of the planet population.

Other Communities: Of four such, Hygar is the main one, with a population of some 30,000, and a reasonable amount of surviving high tech equipment. The other settlements of about 10,000 are situated in areas protected mainly by nature (rather than energy barriers) from the insidious areas.