
Here are four campaigns suitable for Space Opera. We hope you will enjoy playing them as we did.

If you want also to publish your own  campaign, do not hesitate to contact me.

The Galactic Rebellion

copyright Ó  1995,2001 Dale Castle

The campain is based on the federation expanding along the spiral arm, then getting wiped out by an invasion from a neighboring galaxy.  The invasion is stopped before it ever reaches earth, but a large part of space is knocked back to the dark ages of space travel.  Technology is somewhat limited at first, but picks up as the game progresses.
A tyrant controls this part of space now and the PC's find themselves starting a revolution...


Ian M. Banks

copyright Ó  1999 Mark Harris

A vage plot arc and background details for running a series of senarios in a universe inspired by Iain M Banks Culture books. Ultra-ultra high tech. The characters come from a society that builds planets and has an anti-prime directive. (We know best and should interfere to save you from yourselves). Characters should be written for the game.


Space 2340

copyright Ó  John Stevens

This section contains articles about Star Hero and some of the things that I've done with it. The first few articles will cover a campaign that I ran called "SPACE: 2340". It was set in the universe created for "Space Opera" but used the Hero System for generating characters and all the planet-bound equipment, and Space Opera for the stuff in space. The combination worked fairly well. If you wish you may use this in your campaigns.


The Void's Call

copyright Ó 1985,2000 Dominique Laporte

This campaign is held in margin of the Space Opera universe before the contact with an ET intelligence where the characters will have to face strange sects and phenomena in the tradition of "Call of Cthulhu".